The Distribution Innovation team

Bug fixes and improvements in Buddy 1.1.0

AUTHOR: The Distribution Innovation team

We're always looking for new ways to improve our app. This time around we have made a code-push update to the current version.

The new version is available from 23.04.2024 and the new version numbers are iOS 1.1.0v42 and Android 1.1.0v49.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Based on feedback from our users, we have increased the font size of customer names and updated the font color to improve readability, facilitating accurate deliveries for carriers.

  • Resolved an issue where the app failed to send start/stop events in split map and delivery mode, ensuring seamless tracking and management of deliveries.

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate route instructions were displayed, ensuring clarity to the users.

  • Addressed an issue in the split map and delivery mode where the selected module was not highlighted in blue on the map, enhancing visual clarity and navigation for users.

  • Introduced a new font style for unselected tabs in the preparations screen to distinguish them from selected tabs, enhancing user interface clarity.

  • Fixed an issue where centering the GPS position incorrectly directed users to the starting position of the route instead of their current location on the map, ensuring accurate navigation from the current position.

  • Modified the weekday selector in the "My Routes" screen to display the first three letters of the weekday followed by the date, providing a clearer user experience.

    • Additionally, a upcoming update will incorporate a history feature showcasing routes from the past seven days, further enhancing user experience and route management capabilities.

  • Fixed an issue where the scroll position was incorrect when continuing a route, ensuring a smoother user experience.

  • Removed an unused black line in the split route and delivery mode interface, improving visual cleanliness and reducing clutter.

  • Fixed an issue where the app crashed when attempting to end a route with unacknowledged customer complaints, ensuring uninterrupted route completion and improved stability.

  • Resolved an issue in the module summation calculation where the first module was erroneously counted twice, ensuring accurate calculation results.

  • Fixed an issue that made it difficult to report deviations on parcels in both iOS and Android platforms, enhancing user experience and facilitating smoother deviation reporting processes.

  • Fixed an issue causing slow map updates in split map and delivery mode

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