The Distribution Innovation team

DI Buddy 1.0.22

AUTHOR: The Distribution Innovation team

Here's what's new in DI Buddy version 1.0.22.

What's New

1 to 1 chat

We are excited to announce the new messaging feature in Buddy. With this update, users can now easily chat with their distribution leaders in real time. This two-way communication feature allows users to send messages to their distribution leaders and receive responses, making it easier to stay connected and informed.

To access this feature, navigate to the chat interface within a route in the app.

The distribution leader can send and receive messages in Route status in DI Control, by accessing Buddy Messages.

Expected start/end time in preparations

Users will now be able to see the expected start and end times on their routes, in addition to the delivery deadline. To access this feature, navigate to the preparation screen within a route in the app.

If unforeseen circumstances arise and the user is unable to meet the delivery deadline. The user can now register a delayed delivery and provide a new estimated time for the delivery to be completed. This new estimated time will be shown to your distribution leader in the Route status in DI Control, keeping everyone on the same page and helping to manage expectations.

Report missing newspapers in preparations

With the report missing newspapers in preparations functionality, users can now easily adjust the volume of newspapers received, making it easier to prepare deliveries and report the missing amounts of received newspapers.

This feature will save users time by allowing them to change the volume of newspapers without clicking x amount of times on a button like in today's electronic delivery guide. The reported numbers will be visible for the distribution leader under Missing products in Route status in DI Control.

The feature is available on the preparations screen within a route. To access this feature, simply select "Prints" and click on "Edit volume."

Updated delivery flow

With our latest update, we have streamlined the process of delivering multiple parcels from the same customer system to the same customer.

Previously, we had one flow per parcel, which could be time-consuming for our users. But with the new update, we have introduced a single flow for multiple parcels, which will save time and make it easier to deliver multiple parcels at once.

We are confident that this new update will improve your experience and make parcel delivery more efficient.

Left-hand mode

We are excited to announce a new feature for our users. You can now activate "Left-hand drive" mode in the settings. When enabled, this mode will change the way you view delivery details.

With "Left-hand drive" mode on, you will see the place of delivery before the product to deliver. This feature is particularly useful for our users who prefer to see the delivery point before the product to deliver.

To activate this feature, simply go to your settings and activate "Left-hand drive" mode. We hope that this new feature will improve your experience on our platform and make it even easier for you to find the products you want.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue where the app would crash on the first startup

  • Fixed the bug causing the app to crash on the initial route load

  • Recenter button in navigation mode now accurately repositions the user

  • Corrected error in product name search functionality

  • Centered initials when logging in with phone number

  • Subfloors now display the correct subfloor information

  • Route now saves the correct module position when switching between list and map modes

  • The startup of the route now begins at the last saved module position, if the app is closed

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