The Distribution Innovation team

New incoming CS logic: Filter for outdated parcel codes

AUTHOR: The Distribution Innovation team

Production date: 14.08.2024


We are pleased to announce the release of our new "Block Old Codes" feature! This functionality allows stations to block parcels booked more than a specified number of months ago. When a parcel with an old booking code is scanned, the operator will receive an error message, preventing the parcel from being sent further into the value chain.


  • New Incoming Logic: Introduces a logic to filter out parcels booked beyond a specified time frame.

  • Error Messaging: Operators will receive an error message when scanning parcels with old codes, ensuring they are not processed further.

  • Filter old codes Section: A new section in "Add incoming logic" for blocking old codes with customizable fields at the scanning station.


  • Increased Control: Ensures parcels booked a long time ago are identified and processed accordingly.

  • Prevents Mistakes: Operators can no longer mistakenly type and process old codes.

  • Operational Efficiency: Keeps the parcel flow streamlined by managing outdated parcels effectively.

Getting Started

  1. Setup Blocking Logic: Find the station you wish to enable in Cargostream Admin. Navigate to the “Add incoming logic” section and select “Block old codes”.

  2. Configure Parameters: Enter the number of months for which codes should be blocked in the “Block codes booked before (months)” field.

  3. Error Handling: On scanning, if a parcel's booking date exceeds the specified months, an error message will be displayed, and the parcel will be blocked from further processing.


We welcome your feedback on the new feature! Please get in touch with our support team or CSM if you have any questions, encounter issues, or have suggestions for further improvements.

Additional Notes

  • Handling Errors: Parcels will need to be processed at other stations if they are caught by the outdated parcel filter

We believe the "Outdated parcel" feature will enhance your station operations by effectively managing outdated parcels. Please reach out if you have any questions!

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