The Distribution Innovation team

Possibility to include standards and rest as part of report "No. of multi product packages pr route"

AUTHOR: The Distribution Innovation team

Production date: 20.08.2024

A change to the existing report "No. of multi product packages pr route" will now enable you to include quantity of standards and rest in the report results. In addition, a headline row is now introduced to show what the different quantities represent.

Where is the report found?

What configuration must be done to see standards and rest in the report?

Whether standards and rest quantities are included in the report results, depends on whether standard sizes have been set on the "Weight per product" page in DI. If standard sizes are set, these sizes are used to calculate the number of standards and the resulting rest quantity for your combination of route and product. The page where standard sizes is found here (if you do not have the option to set these, you must be given access to this feature by DI support):

How does the report look?

The headlines represent:
UAD (unaddressed) / AD (addressed) / STD (standards) / RST (rest)

  1. Report with no standard sizes set

If no sizes are set in the "Weight per product" GUI, the STD (standard) and RST (rest) quantities are shown as "-".

  1. Report with standard size set

In the example below, the standard size for the product is set to 40. An important consideration is that unaddressed quantities are not included as part of the RST quantity.

Example of calculation for route 23314:
Unaddressed quantity is 70, addressed quantity is 2.

The standard is therefore 1 (40) and the rest 30, as 40+30 = 70. The addressed quantity is not included as part of the rest.

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