The Distribution Innovation team

A report limitation and improvements in edition calendar

AUTHOR: The Distribution Innovation team

Production date: 14.12.22

Report: all active customers for product group is limited

The RG report for fetching all active customers for a product group is now limitied so it can be ordered for one product, instead of a group of products, at the time.

The reason for this is to make this quite complex report less affectable to our main system.

If you still want to fetch and analyse customer data for all your products in an efficient manner, you can use our data and analysis (DAP) platform for this. Don't hesitate to contact us if you want more information about this excellent DI product.

Improved error message on editions with connected attachments

For editions that are connected to one or more attachments to subscribers, it will now be necessary to move or delete the attachment before the edition can be deleted in the edition calendar.

Warning before deleting all future editions

We are now including a separate warning in the edition calender when you are planning to delete all future editions for your product. The purpose is to make it even more clear what big config change you are about to embark on for your product.

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