The Distribution Innovation team
Webinar Announcements

Reminder: Quarterly Product Update from DI

AUTHOR: The Distribution Innovation team

Reminder for 12th of June

June 12 is one week away, and it's soon time for DI's quarterly product update.

Don't forget to sign up!

You will receive a Google calendar invite recurring every 3 months when you sign up.

NB! If you already have the event on your calendar you don't need to sign up again.

Sign up here

Finnish customers 13:30 - Sign up here

Swedish customers 14:00 - Sign up here

Norwegian customers 15:00 - Sign up here

We encourage you to invite your colleagues who might be interested.

Also, kindly inform them to subscribe to product news in Launchnotes to stay informed about upcoming DI webinars: Distribution Innovation - Product News

NB! This meeting series will purely be a presentation, not a forum for discussion.

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