The Distribution Innovation team

New options for returns, better advanced search, smarter date picker and a new link

AUTHOR: The Distribution Innovation team

Production date: 14.12.22

New options in the return overviews

We have enhanced our return overviews with the following options:

  • Possibility to choose a set of weeks (from 4 to 64) of history, where your preferred choice is saved

  • Color codes enhancing low or high returns

  • More visual appearance of the different amounts: ordered, returned and delivered

Advanced search improvements

We have done some improvements in the advanced search functionality:

  • “Only open” is set as the first, and standard, choice

  • Telephone and mobile are new searchable fields, included with email in a new, separate line

  • The advanced search GUI is kept expanded througout the user’s session (until logout)

Date picker improvements

We have also made some improvements to the date picker functionality:

  • We have introduced a shortcut to next day

  • Your chosen date is remembered in your session

New link in the setting amount GUI

A new link is taking you directly from the setting amount GUI to the register visits page.

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