- The Distribution Innovation team
Route Overview: Product Now Display All Applicable Rules
Have you ever wondered about what made a product move to a different day? Or been unsure if the product would be automatically moved by the system or if you need to add your own custom geographical rule?
We have just launched a new feature when you view a route that helps you answer some of these questions, or at least be able to get some insight into all the rules that are present.
In the route overview the listing of products now reflects all the different rules that are present. And to make it easier to visualize how the different products are affected all products with similar rules are grouped together.
But the list looks so cluttered with info! Its just a big mess of different groups and difficult to get a overview!
If your route view looks something like this, you might need to clean up the different rules.
When creating and maintaining standard product rules you should make sure that you follow these guidelines:
Always add a product with Weekdays=1234567 to a route even if the route might be M135
Always add a geographical adjustment with Weekdays=1234567 even if the product only has distribution some of these days.
Request that "Fast Flytt" is updated to either 0 or a standard of X days depending on if you would like the product to automatically move between days or not.
You should only deviate for these guidelines if you have a specific product settings you would like to achieve.