The Distribution Innovation team

Standard and minimum bundle sizes in Ferag-file segments

AUTHOR: The Distribution Innovation team

Production date: 14.08.2024

In this release our Ferag-files will be automatically updated with standard, minimum and maximum bundle size for each newspaper production - sizes that earlier were hardcoded in those files.

The bundle sizes are possible to set either in the packaging parameters section in DI Main:

Or in the Publisher application when creating new publications:

When they are set, they will be represented as the following in the Ferag-files:

  • Segment +32 = StdBundleParameter - equals “Standard package” (40)

  • Segment +33 = NBundleParameter - equals “Package minimum” (5)

  • Segment +34 = MaxBundleParameter- equals “Standard package + Package minimum - 1” (44)

Hence, any random section of the Ferag-file will look like this:

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