Activities in progress

Improvement of offline coverage solution

STAGE: Activities in progress

User Story

As a sales company, I need an improved offline address coverage file so that I can better match my parcels and print products with the right distribution coverage provided by distribution companies, ensuring efficient and accurate delivery.


The current offline address coverage file supports distribution coverage for parcels and print products but has limitations that impact precision and timeliness. These issues make it challenging for sales companies to identify the correct distribution coverage for their parcels.

By improving the file format, increasing update frequency, adding relevant information, and ensuring proper parcel product alignment, the new solution will provide sales companies with more precise and up-to-date coverage data. This will allow for better operational decisions and reduced inefficiencies in distribution processes. Additionally, optimizing the file content will result in smaller export sizes, making the solution more efficient.


Development of the new coverage solution will start in Q1 2024.

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